
holy shit

so we have a client at work who is a non-profit group who takes under-privileged kids out on a boat and teaches them how to sail. well, we're updating their homepage, and i've been going back and forth with their project managers (pm's) trying to get approval on what images to use in the flash piece. the following i pulled directly from our client extranet:

client pm #1, 25 feb at 11:34 am
"if only two images are best, please use the sextant image we like. if you can do four more effectively, please do so. thanks - client pm #1"

me, 25 feb at 11:49 am
"you're talking to someone without sea-legs here... what is a sextant?"

client pm #1, 25 feb at 11:58 am
"it's the image of the tent, in which, two teenages are having sex."

client pm #2, 25 feb at 11:59 am
" A sextant is an instrument generally used to measure the altitude of a celestial object above the horizon. Making this measurement is known as sighting the object, shooting the object, or taking a sight. The angle, and the time when it was measured, can be used to calculate a position line on a nautical or aeronautical chart.

The picture that has the man and the girl holding a funny looking object, that is the sextant and the above is what they are doing with it.

It’s the old fashion way of navigating."


WOW. i think it makes it way funnier if you know the guy, because thats not something i would ever expect him to say. and i like how pm#2 responded back right away with the real answer. trying to cover up some embarrassment, me thinks.

totally made my day.

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