

so another weekend came and passed, and i didn't pick up my sketchbook. no excuses, but i'm gonna start hardcore this week. no freelance work coming up. no other distractions (hopefully).

we did do some spring cleaning (even though i looked today and saw that spring is still 6 weeks away, which is sort of depressing). We have a hefty stack of things to drop off at a goodwill, which always makes you feel warm and fuzzy. and our closet is clean. also nice.

we went to a party on saturday night. brendan's brother-in-law turned 31 this weekend, and we were invited to join in on the festivities. we were both a little worried about there being too many degrees of separation between us and the person of honor (me -> brendon -> brendon's wife, rachel -> matt, rachel's brother, the birthday boy), but we got there, and there was no need for concern. everyone was extremely cool. i dont think i've felt that comfortable around that many people that i didnt know in a long time. probably since being back at school. i guess i don't really know what that means. does it mean i'm more comfortable with myself in meeting new people? does it mean we've finally found a group of like-minded people in this town that we can have fun with? probably a little bit of both. either way, its a good thing. we drank some beers (from a keg!), had some delicious homemade hot wings, did some boogie boarding down the stairs. oh! and there was a clown! it was hilarious! she made balloon animals. her name was cookie. and i think she was really worried when she came in and saw a bunch of drunk adults. probably a little outside her comfort zone. but hilarious none the less.

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