
and so it begins...

well, this isn't the first time i've attempted to start blogging. but i'd really like to stick with it this time. this year, i made the first serious new year's resolution i've made in my entire life. try to draw an hour a night. doesn't sound like too big of a hassle. but here it is, 52 days later, and i've stuck to my resolution for maybe 10 days total. that's 19.2%. definitely an F in most books. but i'm going to go out on a limb and grade myself under some sort of montessori method. that makes me feel somewhat better.

my "big picture" goal with this resolution is to be a professional illustrator by the time i'm 30. i think that's reasonable. so, to sound cliche, i'm really only cheating myself by not sticking to it. i have taken a couple of freelance illustration jobs for cheap/nothing to stick to it. so that's cool. and i really want to get rolling on ambur's graphic novel. so i guess my ultimate goal with this blog is to post my drawings. not necessarily to share them, but to give myself mini-goals to work towards the big ones.

so check back to see what happens... it'll probably be a bit slow to start (my damn scanner isn't working for starters), but hopefully i'll get into a nice groove with it. and maybe i'll just ramble every once in a while too... thats always fun.

*side note: they just said "vaginal vault" on C.S.I.

*side note to the side note: on American Dad last night, Roger the Alien referred to a woman's vagina as a "baby cannon", which i thought was hilarious. that show is so under-rated.

1 comment:

b rendan said...

haha! awesome! all around, awesome!