i've been sort of inspired by the elliotts' determination and stick-to-it-a-tiveness with their month-long art-a-thon. i had an idea for a little portrait series. sort of inspired by
scott-c and
nathan stapley (more based on subject matter than style, but i guess we'll have to see how they turn out when they're done). i started the backgrounds of 7 6"x6" canvases this past weekend (i'll post pics to those later this week), and honestyly, i wasn't totally sure what i was going to actually paint the portraits of until this week. famous stereotyped villains. i did some sketches at work...
(sorry for the poor quality scan)
I dig the robot
That pirate is my favorite. The beard is epic.
I am a fan of the watercreature... he seems so dis-in-franchised with the whole "villian" thing. "Yes, i am a monster. Grr. I wish I could just order some coffee."
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